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janelynchgameshow| The suspense of the resumption of trading of United Group remains to be solved, and we should pay attention to major issues to be announced soon.

Newsletter summary

United Group on April 16, 2024, 9: 00 a.m.JanelynchgameshowResume trading at 00: 00 after suspending trading due to major issues. The company has yet to disclose details, attracting the attention of investors. The market expects the upcoming news, which may have an impact on share prices.

Text of news flash

[United Group resumes trading today]

The United Group announces that trading in its shares will resume on the stock exchange with effect from 9:00 on April 16, 2024.

Earlier, the United Group suspended trading because of major issues to be announced.

In the announcement, the United Group did not disclose more details, and investors are concerned about the news to be released by the company.

janelynchgameshow| The suspense of the resumption of trading of United Group remains to be solved, and we should pay attention to major issues to be announced soon.

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